Pope Francis is a darling of the Freemasons. They have the same principles, antithetical to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Together they are establishing a new one world religion, totally devoid of Christ and his salvific work.
Bergoglio’s election was celebrated by the Freemasons and he continues to advance their agenda
In his first brief address to the crowd filling St. Peter’s Square that chilly evening, Bergoglio mentioned the Freemason tenet of 'brotherhood' twice. He never uttered the term 'Catholic.'
Elizabeth Yore
Thu Dec 14, 2023
(LifeSiteNews) – (Ed. note: The following article is Part 1 of a series of blogposts adapted from a talk given by attorney Elizabeth Yore at the December 9 “Is The Pope Catholic” conference hosted by Dr. Edmund Mazza.)
Dialogue dominates the decade of Bergoglio.
Dialogue litters the language of Bergoglio’s apostolic exhortations and encyclicals.
Dialogue was the justification for the deadly CCP secret deal.
Dialogue was the justification for the Abu Dhabi Declaration.
Dialogue is the prevailing thesis of Liberation Theology.
Dialogue is the hallowed commandment of Freemasonry.
Dialogue is the crux of Bergoglio.
Dialogue is now a laughable punchline for the Synod on Sin.
But it’s not humorous; it’s deadly serious.
Dialogue animates the grave question “Is the Pope Catholic?”
Now, a sobering analysis of a decade of disasters.
An Unfortunate Beginning
I met Jorge Bergoglio in early November 2013, a mere 6 months after his election. I was eager to attend the first pontifical human trafficking conference held inside the Vatican; it was sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. As a child advocate attorney, I expected to hear a profoundly Catholic solution to the global scourge of human trafficking.
But there was no mention of evil as the existential cause of this predatory criminal enterprise. Instead, the Vatican was promoting a modern globalist revolution. It was hellbent on secular solutions, such as a global minimum wage as the solution to the evil of human slavery and sexual exploitation.
In attendance were leftist bureaucrats from the Obama Administration, radical UN operatives, and globalist activists from NGOs. I observed Bergoglio closely and was deeply disturbed by his overtly political demeanor.
The entire conference left me shaken. My soul was rattled by this very un-Catholic experience in the very heart of the Vatican and in the prolonged presence of Francis.
The Holy See suddenly seemed like enemy territory. I felt a sense of dread and was left with the profound impression that an un-Catholic agenda was underway in this pontificate.
A colleague turned to me halfway through the conference and asked, “Are we the only pro-lifers here?”
This chilling question summed up the conference, and a pattern would soon emerge as Bergoglio praised Emma Bonino, Italy’s foremost pro-abortionist — a woman who bragged that she and her group had aborted over 10,000 babies, as “one of Italy’s greats.”
The scandalous habit of elevating and publicly praising bitter enemies of life, including virulent detractors of the Catholic faith, became a troubling hallmark of the Bergoglio regime.
Eighteen months later, in April 2015, I returned to the Vatican with a delegation of the world’s most prestigious climate scientists. They included scholars and researchers from MIT, climatologists, NASA scientists, and other scientists. These prominent experts were frankly shocked by the clear bias and dubious qualifications of the scientists advising Bergoglio on his upcoming encyclical Laudato Si’. They urgently sought an audience—a dialogue—with Bergoglio for a serious discussion.
Our delegation naively hoped that the Pope of the Dialogue was interested in dialoguing on the complex issue of “climate.”
These esteemed and highly credentialed experts, some of whom were Catholic, were stunned that Bergoglio was relying on radical population control advocates, neo–Malthusians, to advise him on his environmental encyclical.
Needless to say, the Pope of Dialogue was not at all interested in dialoguing with the other side of this very complex scientific issue, and Vatican officials expelled these esteemed scientists from the press conference at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
Authentic dialogue with Bergoglio had been tested and found wanting. For him, dialogue is a one-way street that leads to a dead end.
To my horror, I saw climate change emerge as the new religion of the global elites and their papal patron. It is now enshrined in the Bergoglian scripture of Laudato Si’ and Laudato Deum, completely with newly minted environmental sins.
I could not remain silent while the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith, the faith of my ancestors, suffered daily assault by the Argentine in the Chair of Peter.
I saw firsthand that the self-proclaimed Pope of Dialogue and Mercy is a contrived artifice, a manipulation disguising a radical political ideology to permanently modernize Catholic doctrine, liturgy, and praxis.
Dialogue Disaster #1: The Freemasons
On March 13, 2013, the prelate from Buenos Aires stood before the crowd without papal mozzetta, without red shoes, without gold papal pectoral cross. There suddenly appeared on his left the smug Belgian senior prelate Cardinal Godfried Danneels. The notorious modernist, the scheming predator cover–up artist, the mastermind and self–appointed mafia don of the St. Gallen mafia, Danneels stood motionless. He was a sentinel from St. Gallen, confident that Jorge Bergoglio would undertake the cunning, secret, decades-old plot to remove Catholicism from the face of the earth and install a modernist agenda, a New World Religion. The Church would be renamed, in the words of the St. Gallen godfather, Cardinal Martini, a synodal Church.
In his first brief address to the crowd filling St. Peter’s Square that chilly evening, Bergoglio mentioned the Freemason tenet of “brotherhood” twice. He never uttered the word “Catholic,” a term which would gradually be excised from his vocabulary, his speeches, and his globalist project of a Synodal Church and a one world religion.
Bergoglio curated his humble and merciful persona with a carefully orchestrated media campaign and, curiously, he was cheered on by the Freemason leadership within hours of his appearance on the loggia.
Grand Master Gustavo Raffi of the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Italy lavishly praised Pope Francis’ election and wrote:
The simple cross that he wore on his white robe gives us hope that a Church of the people may find again the ability to dialogue with all men of good will and with Freemasonry which, as the Latin America experience teaches, works for the common good and progress of humanity…
Grand Master Raffi confidently offered his disquieting prediction of the Bergoglio papacy: “A man of the poor and far from the Curia. Fraternity and dialogue are his first concrete words: perhaps nothing in the Church will be as it was before.”
Thus, the Pope of Dialogue was christened by none other than a leader of the Freemasons.
Over 60 Freemason global leaders—from Canada to Peru, from Lebanon to Argentina—also celebrated the selection of the Argentine Bergoglio.
Pope Leo XIII warned that Freemasonry is based on Naturalism. Naturalism asserts that human nature and human reason are supreme and that there are no truths revealed by God that men are bound to believe. It is anti-Christian in its essence.
One of the most powerful weapons of Freemasons against the Catholic Church is their promotion of religious indifferentism—the idea that it really does not matter to which religion one belongs. This undermines Catholicism since only the Catholic Church firmly teaches that it is the One True Religion established by God.
Today Raffi’s words echo loudly: “Perhaps nothing in the Church will be as it was before.”
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