This is unbelievable (oh sorry, it is very believable with modernist hierarchs). Cardinal Fernandez, Prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctine of the Faith (so the top doctrinal Church body), says that under certain circumstances, sex-change surgery can be acceptable. Such evil!
He says that “we don’t want to be cruel.” What?! You in fact are being cruel when you condone LGBT, including sex-change surgery. Instead of counseling and trying to help the troubled individual, you are condemning him/her to a perpetual unnatural existence.
By the way, liberals always stress extreme situations to justify the evil they want to promote. For example, they argued for abortion for pregnancies due to rape or incest. Now abortion is on demand and without restriction. So with transgenders and sex-change, Fernandez is citing extreme circumstances of strong dysphorias leading to an unbearable existence or even suicide. He is preparing the way to eventual full acceptance of sex-change surgery.