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Writer's pictureThe Hermit of Antipolo

Pope on Roe reversal (Quo vadis, Pope Francis?Part 186)

Finally Pope Francis has spoken up about Roe reversal, but his words are not edifying at all.

The Pope says bishops must be pastoral with pro-abortion politicians. Meaning to say, give them Holy Communion. This is wrong. Those who support, fund, propagate, instigate abortion are themselves in serious sin. They are in danger of losing their souls. Receiving Holy Communion adds sin upon sin. In allowing the giving of Communion, the Pope is complicit in their sin, and in the potential loss of their souls.

Then there are the souls of the poorly catechized Catholics who see what is going on and so conclude that abortion is not that terrible, and so commit the sin themselves or continue their support of it.

The Pope is concerned about denial of Communion becoming a political problem. Holy Father, you are not a politician (or perhaps you are) but a spiritual leader. Our Church is supposed to go against the tide, to be counter-cultural. It is wrong for you to bend with the cultural tide and appease grave sinners. You are not doing any favors to anyone — to the pro-aborts, to the Church, to society, to the unborn, to yourself.

The Pope says he is against abortion, but his actions belie his conviction regarding this. And so pro-aborts like Pelosi and Biden go on their merry way, continuing to murder millions of the unborn. They are on their way to hell, and you, Holy Father, are doing nothing to stop it. In fact, you are facilitating it.


Pope Francis breaks silence on Roe reversal, criticizes denying Communion to pro-abortion politicians

The Pope said that 'the Church loses its pastoral nature' when Communion is denied to pro-abortion Catholic politicians and that 'it causes a political problem.'

Vatican reporter Philip Pullella, left, interviews Pope Francis, right, inside Casa Santa Marta, Vatican City

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis has broken his silence on the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which grants states the power to outlaw abortion, saying that bishops must be “pastoral” with pro-abortion politicians.

In a 90-minute interview with Reuters’ Vatican correspondent Philip Pullella, published Monday, the Pope said that while he respected the court’s decision to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling which imposed abortion on all 50 states, he cannot “speak about it from a juridical point of view” because he had not studied the law, the report stated.

Although declining to comment on the once purported, and now overruled, “right” to abortion in the U.S., the pontiff did state his opposition to abortion, likening the barbaric practice to “hiring a hitman” in remarks reminiscent of his 2018 condemnation of abortion.

The Pope asked: “Is it legitimate, is it right, to eliminate a human life to resolve a problem?”Pullella reportedly questioned Francis on the controversial issue of Catholic politicians receiving Holy Communion while openly supporting the “right” to kill children in the womb, especially in light of Catholic U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi regularly receiving the Eucharist. Pelosi has advocated abortion and subsequently been barred from Holy Communion by her local bishop, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco.

Article published by LifeSiteNews. For the full article, click here.

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