The Vatican has taken action against a faithful priest from the Ivory Coast who openly but respectfully criticized Pope Francis. Fr Jesusmary Missigbeto has been cancelled.
This is the tyranny of an unjust and unmerciful Pope, who tramples on the little ones.
I am in full support of Fr Jesusmary. I totally agree with his just criticisms of the Pope. The Pope should repent, unless he wants to be cancelled by God Himself.
"Abbé Janvier Gbénou's Response to Pope Francis: "You have scandalised the whole world several times by contradicting Christian Tradition"
Abbé Janvier Gbénou (pen name: Father Jesusmary Missigbètò), who has frequently been in the news on account of his outspoken critiques of Pope Francis (see, e.g., here, here, and here) which earned him expulsion from Opus Dei, has written a public response to the latest decree that, according to his account, forbids him to preach, hear confessions, or celebrate Mass either in public or in private. On July 1st, 2022, he posted in several languages, in PDF and on Facebook, his official answer to Pope Francis and to the Congregation for Bishops. As it is a document of remarkable clarity, relevance, and urgency, we are reposting it here at Rorate
To the Reigning Pontiff
Pope Francis
Dearest Father,
I have just received the Decree of the Congregation for Bishops, signed by you and Cardinal Marc Ouellet, in which you validate the sanctions imposed on me by the Prelature of Opus Dei because, according to the Decree, I lacked “respect and obedience to the Supreme Pontiff” (Code of Canon Law 273). In short, I am forbidden to preach, confess and celebrate Mass in public and private.
I take note of your decision, which I do not approve of because it is unjust. Moreover, I cannot, in conscience, renounce my public criticism of Pope Francis because, since 2016, you yourself have seriously lacked “respect and obedience to God and the People of God”. Indeed, before being pope and bishop, you are a priest and, according to the Code of Canon Law, “in leading their lives, clerics are bound in a special way to pursue holiness since, having been consecrated to God by a new title in the reception of orders, they are dispensers of the mysteries of God in the service of His people” (276).
Furthermore, as bishop and pope, you are concerned by the following canons: “an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication” (1364); “a person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty” (1369).
Article published by LifeSiteNews. For the full article, click here.