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Writer's pictureThe Hermit of Antipolo

On Grandma's Lace (Quo vadis, Pope Francis? Part 180)

Once again, Pope Francis assaults tradition. He does not want priestly vestments with lace. He regrets this! Yes I suppose the Pope prefers all the clerical clowns in the West who make a joke of the Eucharistic celebration.

And this also hits on veils on women during Mass, as the Pope calls these “grandma’s lace.” I take offense, Your Holiness. My grandmother, as so were so many women of old, were holy and reverent at Mass. This is not the case today, even with your clerics, especially at liberal and LGBT Masses.

The Pope wants homilies to be short, not more than 8 minutes. This is very modernist, wanting to make it easy and acceptable to the nominal Catholic. Since most lay Catholics are lapsed or nominal, and most parishes do not provide substantial teaching available to all, the homily might be the only time Catholics are exposed not just to the word but to a Christian teaching. And the Pope wants that not more than 8 minutes! The African Catholics will be furious, as for many of them, the devout ones at least, a Mass can go on for two hours and a homily is not satisfactory unless it is an hour.

The Pope says mistrust in institutions have reached high levels. While he was probably referencing government and social institutions, the truth is it is the Church, especially in the West, that has been losing credibility with people, even her own members. Why? Well, not just homosexual clerical predation, but liberalism and modernism, assaut on Tradition, catering to the zeitgeist, scandals. And yes, Pope Francis, you are leading the decline of our Church.

The Pope says young people are increasingly detached and struggle to find support in parishes in their search for the meaning of life. Well, they are not finding it in most Catholic parishes. They are not getting solid biblical teaching. On the contrary. And amidst the growing detachment of the young from the Church, does the Pope not realize that the young people, the young couples with young kids, have been flocking to the Traditional Latin Mass? Well, the Pope does know this, and this is why he is suppressing the TLM! It is not in accordance with his modernist direction. It is the Pope who is detached from authentic spiritual realities.


Pope Francis tells priests to stop wearing

‘grandma’s lace’ at Mass

An image of Blessed Pino Puglisi, shot by the Mafia, is seen as Pope Francis leads a meeting with young people in Palermo, Sicily, Sept. 15, 2018. (Credit: Paul Haring/CNS.)

ROME – Pope Francis told a group of priests that he doesn’t want to see “grandma’s lace” when Mass is celebrated, saying that although “paying homage” to grandmothers is good, “it is better to celebrate the Holy Mother Church.”

Speaking to the priests and bishops of the Italian island of Sicily, known for its natural beauty but also for being a place where mafia dons have long appropriated both the symbols of Catholicism and ties to ecclesiastical elites to reinforce a grip on power, Francis asked about how the Second Vatican Council had been embraced by the local church.

Article published by CruxNow. For the full article, click here.

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