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More Homosexual Priests Come Out (Quo Vadis, Pope Francis? Part 223)

Writer: The Hermit of AntipoloThe Hermit of Antipolo

Homosexual clerics, suspected of being in large numbers in the Western Church, are coming out. They are encouraged by Pope Francis’ positive attitude toward LGBT, including his approval of the German and Belgian bishops’ blessing of same-sex unions.

Then we have the Pope’s Synod on Synodality. This is seen by many as the Pope’s way of normalizing and accepting homosexuality. I actually suspect that that is the intent, a predetermined outcome. Only a great outcry can prevent it.

But isn’t it that no one, even the Pope, can change Church doctrine? But the Pope has already changed established Church doctrine, such as that on the death penalty. And whether Church doctrine is changed or not, many aspects of it are simply being ignored, as clerics and prelates continue to teach modernist heresy and practice non-Catholic ways.

50 Homosexual Italian Priests Come Out

50 homosexual Italian priests have published a letter denouncing the “internalized homophobia” of the Church, announcing they “no longer want to hide.” The letter, titled “Con tutto il cuore” – With all my heart – first circulated discreetly, before being picked up by the left-leaning Italian daily Domani, followed by the Spanish publication Público.

A Disjointed and Conventional Argument

The letter denounces the existence of “plans” aimed at eliminating all allusion to homosexuality in the seminaries and at promoting an empty sexual morality there. It adds, in a grotesque way, that this attitude finds an echo in traditionally Christian countries, such as Italy or Spain, where there is collaboration between the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the political extreme Right.

The authors speak of the hatred of the gay world inoculated in the seminaries, and of the “social prejudices” scattered through even the latest Vatican documents, with an almost obsessive reference to “gender ideology,” which has multiplied since Giorgia Meloni’s rise to power.

If the subject were not so serious, this association would be amusing because it is so conventional and anachronistic. It is ultimately only there to try to stigmatize the opponents whom they accuse of all their misfortunes.

Article published by fsspxNews For the full article, click here.

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