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Here I Am (Servant Leadership Part 129)

Writer: The Hermit of AntipoloThe Hermit of Antipolo

Today’s readings:

Isaiah 58:9-14

Psalm 86:1-6

Luke 5:27-32

We are all called to servanthood. A servant, especially in the context of Jesus’ time, was a slave who was owned by and totally devoted to serving the master. In relation to Jesus our Master, that would still be the case for us who respond to his call: “Follow me.” (Lk 5:27b). Our response should be: “leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him.” (Lk 5:28).

Now that takes a lot of faith. To leave everything behind. To follow Jesus not knowing where he is going to take us (the ultimate destination we know, and that is heaven). So we need to trust in him. To trust him with our very lives. “Preserve my life, for I am devoted; save your servant who trusts in you.” (Ps 86:2a).

To leave everything behind is to live totally for Jesus. It means “not following your ways, seeking your own interests, or pursuing your own affairs” (Is 58:13c). We do not have our own directions, agenda, priorities. We do not do things our own way, but we seek divine wisdom. We have no self-interest but are selfless, self-giving, self-emptying and self-sacrificial. We do not advance our own good but only the good of the mission for the glory of the Master.

But our Master is in fact the suffering servant. Though we are to serve him, he himself came not to be served but to serve. And so Jesus calls us and we respond, “Here I am.” Now here is the amazing thing. Jesus is the one who serves us. He will always be there for us. He is the one who says to us, “Here I am!” (Is 58:9b).

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